2018-19 Louisiana Junior String Ensemble
Photo by Daria Doyle
Louisiana junior string ensemble
Searching for your first orchestra experience? Are you new to your string instrument and excited to begin playing with other musicians? The LJSE is the perfect place for young string players seeking their first orchestral experience. Here they will learn the fundamentals of playing in an ensemble. We provide an encouraging environment for students to foster skills in learning to follow a conductor, preparing music for performance, listening to other orchestra sections, and learning how to work with their fellow musicians. The LJSE is open to students in grades 1-5. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings from 5:30-6:45pm at the LSU School of Music.
2018-19 Louisiana Junior Youth Orchestra
Photo by Daria Doyle
Louisiana junior youth orchestra
Now you've got some experience on your instrument, and you are ready to go to the next level! The LJYO is a full orchestra made up of strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Here you will fine tune your orchestral skills, learn how to blend and listen to your colleagues, and raise your performance level.
The LJYO is open to strings/winds/brass/percussion players in grades 6-9. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings from 5:30-6:45pm at the LSU School of Music.
2018-19 Louisiana Youth Orchestra
Photo by Daria Doyle
Louisiana youth orchestra
The LYO is a full orchestra comprised of the most talented student musicians in Baton Rouge and the surrounding parishes. Students must re-audition each year for entrance into this prestigious program. Musicians from the LYO have advanced to major colleges and conservatories, and some now hold positions in orchestras throughout the country.
The LYO is open to string players in grades 9-college. Winds, brass, and percussion players are eligible in grades 10-college. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm at the LSU School of Music.
LYO percussion ensemble
The LYOPE is a unique part of our program that makes us very proud! Students will have the opportunity to rehearse weekly where they will work on refining playing techniques. They will perform as their own ensemble on each LYO concert, and then join the orchestra to play some of the greatest orchestral repertoire. The LYOPE is open to percussion players in grades 6-college. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings, and then students will join their appropriate orchestra for the remainder of rehearsal.